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“Eek a Ghost”

Hi Friends!

Welp, it has been such a long time! Didn’t mean to ghost you, but in addition to my general procrastination tendencies, and my depths of despair about the state of our Earth, I’ve had technical issues on my websites (yes I have to manage TWO now!).

It all started with wanting to build out a really dynamic tour website, which led to having to migrate my shop website, which I thought meant I had to change my newsletter platform! Lisa and I were trying to learn this new system and then only last night just figured out how to keep using the one we’re familiar with. LONG STORY SHORT, I’m doing all I can to muster up my particular brand of ‘delusional optimism’, because after this long hot summer (see photo of my sweaty back), and all these tech challenges, I am super drained.

Read the rest.

Lorem Ipsum

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